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The ISSF evaluated all of the opinions regarding the new Finals and the
decision was made to leave the basic formats unchanged, but to make some
“fine tuning” changes. Finals start positions will now be determined by
random draws and not the qualification ranking. Trap and Double Trap
Semifinals will now use all five stations instead of the previous three,
but Medal Matches will continue to be shot from three stations. Shotgun
preparation times will now be enforced with electronic timing devices.
Trap tie-breaking was changed to a system that alternates left and right
targets on successive stations. The 25m Pistol Women Finals hit zone
was expanded from 10.3 to 10.2. The presentation of all Rifle event
finalists will now be the same as it has been for 3-position Rifle
Finals where the finalists remain in position as they are introduced and
shown on TV. This change makes it possible to eliminate the two-minute
Final Sighting Time.A major change in this 2nd Edition of the Rules concerns a
change in pre-competition equipment control from mandatory to
voluntary. Athletes are no longer required to bring all of their guns
and equipment for checking before the competitions. Equipment Control
Sections will continue to be available, but now the athletes can decide
which equipment is doubtful and needs to be checked. There is one
exception to the voluntary pre-competition testing rule; Rifle jackets
and trousers must still be checked and receive the ISSF seals in order
to register the jackets and trousers to the athletes. Rifle athletes are
allowed to use only one jacket and trousers in each Championship so
each athlete must have the shooting jacket and trousers he/she will use
checked and registered in the ISSF database.During the last eight years, the ISSF has learned that only random
post-competition testing is truly effective in ensuring that legal
equipment is used. As before, athletes continue to be responsible for
using only legal equipment and for knowing that their equipment is
subject to random post-competition checks. However, with voluntary and
not mandatory pre-competition testing, it is expected that the amount of
equipment needing checking and the time athletes spend in equipment
control lines will be significantly reduced.